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The Amazon Kindle 2 are the next generation wireless reading device. With a sleek and thin design that makes Kindle 2 as thin as a typical magazine and lighter than a paperpack, the new Kindle has seven times more storage and now holds over 1,500 books. It has a longer battery life and faster page turns. An advanced display provides even crisper images and clearer text for an improved book-like reading experience. And Kindle 2 even reads to you, with “Read to Me”, our new Text to Speech feature.

With Kindle 2 we kept everything readers love about the original Kindle—the convenience of reading what you want, when you want it, the immediacy of getting a book wirelessly delivered in less than 60 seconds, and Kindle’s ability to “disappear” in your hands so you can get lost in the author’s words. We’re also excited to announce that the Kindle Store has over 230,000 ebooks available.

New Features & Enhancements :
Slim & Lightweight : Just over 1/3 inch and 10.2 ounces
Books in under 60 seconds : Get books delivered in less than 60 seconds; no PC required
Improved Display : Reads like real paper; now boasts 16 shades of gray for crisp images and text; even reads well in bright sunlight
Longer Battery Life : 25% longer battery life; read for days without recharging
More Storage : Take your library with you; holds over 1,500 books
Faster Page Turns : 20% faster page turns
Read-to-Me : Text-to-Speech feature means Kindle can read every book, blog, magazine, and newspaper out loud.
No Wireless Bills : No monthly wireless bills, data plans, or commitments. Amazon pays for Kindle’s wireless connectivity so you won’t see a monthly wireless bill.
Large Selection : Over 230,000 books, plus U.S. and international newspapers, magazines and blogs available
Low Book Prices : New York Times Best Sellers and New Releases $9.99, unless marked otherwise

Specification Details :
Display : 6" diagonal E-Ink® electronic paper display, 600 x 800 pixel resolution at 167 ppi, 16-level gray scale.
Size (in inches) : 8" x 5.3" x 0.36".
Weight : 10.2 ounces.
System requirements : None, because it doesn't require a computer.
Storage : 2GB internal (approximately 1.4GB available for user content).
Battery Life : Read on a single charge for up to 4 days with wireless on. Turn wireless off and read for up to two weeks. Battery life will vary based on wireless usage, such as shopping the Kindle Store and downloading content. In low coverage areas or in 1xRTT only coverage, wireless usage will consume battery power more quickly.
Charge Time : Fully charges in approximately 4 hours and supports charging from your computer via the included USB 2.0 cable.
Connectivity : EVDO modem with fallback to 1xRTT; utilizes Amazon Whispernet to provide U.S wireless coverage via Sprint's 3G high-speed data network (check wireless coverage). See Wireless Terms and Conditions.
USB Port : USB 2.0 (micro-B connector) for connection to the Kindle power adapter or optionally to connect to a PC or Macintosh computer.
Audio : 3.5mm stereo audio jack, rear-mounted stereo speakers.
Content Formats Supported : Kindle (AZW), TXT, Audible (formats 4, Audible Enhanced (AAX)), MP3, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; PDF, HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion.
Included Accessories : Power adapter, USB 2.0 cable, rechargeable battery. Book cover sold separately.
Documentation : Quick Start Guide (included in box) [PDF]; Kindle 2 User's Guide (pre-installed on device) [PDF].
Warranty and Service : 1 year limited warranty and service included. Optional 2 year Extended Warranty sold separately.

Are you interested? Please, buy the one from my Amazon Affiliate

Notebook atau dalam bahasa lainnya yg sering disebut Laptop, saat ini sepertinya bukan merupakan barang mewah lagi dikalangan masyarakat kita. Yah...walaupun pada kenyataannya harga Notebook/Laptop tsb masih sedikit lebih mahal daripada harga PC/Perosnal Computer rumahan tapi dilihat dari grafik pertumbuhan penjualannya ditanah air, tahun demi tahun mulai kelihatan peningkatannya. Mungkin yg menjadi alasan utamanya kenapa semua kalangan mulai beralih untuk menggunakan laptop salah satunya adalah Notebook/Laptop bisa dibawa-bawa kemana saja kita pergi (mobile). Dan saat ini bukan kalangan pebisnis atau pegawai saja yg banyak menggunakannya, malah sekarang ini mulai kelihatan dari kalangan pelajar dan mahasiswa juga sudah banyak menggunakannya. Sekian introduction nya.... :)

Kembali ke laptop... karena masih mahalnya harga laptop saat ini termasuk komponen2 pendukung lainnya seperti battery, saya akan coba berbagi sedikit tips ke anda agar battery Notebook/Laptop yg sangat anda sayangi bisa berumur sedikit lebih panjang dibanding jika anda tidak memperhatikan hal2 yg seperti saya sebutkan dibawah ini :) Langsung saja ya...

Tips Pertama : Calibaris battery laptop anda waktu pertama kali anda membelinya. Caranya : Pasang battery ke laptop, kemudian charger dgn adaptor yg diberikan sampai full/penuh. Setelah battery full, lepas adaptor dan operasikan laptop dengan menggunakan tenaga battery. Langkah selanjutnya, operasikan laptop sampai batterynya drop atau kosong (sampai laptop off sendiri). Kemudian charger kembali battery laptop anda sampai full. Setelah itu laptop sudah bisa dipakai dgn normal kembali. Ini adalah tips hemat battery untuk laptop yg baru dibeli ataupun untuk battery yg baru saja diganti (ganti battery baru).

Tips Kedua : Perhatikan cara pemakaian laptop yg baik. Caranya : Jika battery laptop anda masih berisi pada saat anda operasikan, jangan dipasang dulu adaptornya, habiskan sampai ke mode dimana nanti akan ada alarm/message bahwa anda diperintahkan untuk memasang kembali adaptor laptop anda. Demikian seterusnya, jika battery anda sudah full lagi, anda bisa melepaskan adaptor laptop anda kembali sambil melanjutkan pekerjaan anda sampai selesai. Cara ini sama seperti cara anda menggunakan handphone dan tips yg kedua ini juga bisa anda terapkan di handphone anda agar battery handphone anda juga bisa lebih panjang umurnya. Yg perlu diperhatikan, sebisa mungkin usahakan pada saat battery di charger dan kondisi battery belum benar2 full, jangan anda lepas adaptornya kecuali memang ada sesuatu yg mendesak atau mendadak sehingga anda harus melakukan itu.

Demikian tips dari saya untuk hari ini, saya akan berikan tips2 yg lain dikesempatan yg akan datang. Jika anda mempunyai tips lain yg lebih baik, silahkan berikan komentar anda di kolom komentar. Selamat mencoba dan semoga sukses :)