About Karo Regency
Karo Regency located in North Sumatra Province with government center in Kabanjahe is about 77 Km from Medan, The Capital of North Sumatra Province.
Wide of Karo Regency is 212.725 hectares or 2.97% from North Sumatra, with fertile of mountain nature on 400-600 Metres above sea level and fresh air with temperature range 14-27 degree of Celsius, well known as producer of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
Majority resident of Karo Regency is Karoneese which still holding firmness with consanguinity system which is referred as Merga Silima, Rakut Sitelu, Tutur Siwaluh Perkade-kaden Sepuluh Dua Tambah Sada.
Polonia International Air Port in Medan is the main entrance for the tourist to this area.
Karo regency has many fascination of Cultural and Natural Tourism which spread over in all region and divided into three development area. There are Sibayak, Sipiso-piso and Sinabung Tourism Development Area.
Karo Regency located in North Sumatra Province with government center in Kabanjahe is about 77 Km from Medan, The Capital of North Sumatra Province.
Wide of Karo Regency is 212.725 hectares or 2.97% from North Sumatra, with fertile of mountain nature on 400-600 Metres above sea level and fresh air with temperature range 14-27 degree of Celsius, well known as producer of flowers, fruits and vegetables.
Majority resident of Karo Regency is Karoneese which still holding firmness with consanguinity system which is referred as Merga Silima, Rakut Sitelu, Tutur Siwaluh Perkade-kaden Sepuluh Dua Tambah Sada.
Polonia International Air Port in Medan is the main entrance for the tourist to this area.
Karo regency has many fascination of Cultural and Natural Tourism which spread over in all region and divided into three development area. There are Sibayak, Sipiso-piso and Sinabung Tourism Development Area.
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